Leading the way for CBDA

Kriva White Papers

  • Ten things to know about Kriva CBDA

    What to know about CBDA now that the NCAA is scheduled to vote on removing cannabis from its list of banned substances.

  • NCAA: 2023 Important Updates

    Learn about recent updates made by the NCAA leadership.

  • Hockey players

    League Stance

    Understand where U.S. Sports Leagues stand on hemp based products.

  • Olympia Image

    WADA/USADA Hemp Stance

    According to the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), cannabidiol-like molecules (e.g.,CBD/CBDA) are permitted for use outside of competition. But all cannabinoids (e.g., CBD, CBDA, CBG, THC, etc.) are prohibited in-competition, in any concentration.

  • Cannabis Drug Testing


    You will gain knowledge of the most common cannabis drug testing procedures.

    You will be able to explain why some CBD products have a higher cannabis drug testing risk than others.

    You will be able to understand results of cannabis screening procedures for Kriva’s CBDA consumers and athletes.

  • N.A.T.A. Post Conference Slide Deck


    Understand the difference between THC-Type-Cannabis and hemp

    Explain how cannabinoids work in the human body.

    Gain knowledge regarding professional league and organizations stances on hemp product enforcement.

  • Racing Cyclist

    The ECS and Athletic Recovery


    You will be able to name the three main parts of the Endocannabinoid System

    You will be able to explain three ways in which the ESC affects the body during and after athletic performance.

    You will understand the vast potential implications phytocannabinoid have on athletic recovery and performance

  • Recovery Standards


    Understand the basic mechanism of inflammation and its manifestation in athletes

    Understand current research and professional stance on R.I.C.E. Recovery Method

    Explain the differences between NSAID use and natural CBDA

  • CBDA for Inflammation and Sleep

    Compilation of CBDA research.

  • CBDA and Mood Support

    Understand how CBDA may play a role in mood support

  • Hemp Products and Traditional Drugs

    Learn about CBDA metabolism, CBD metabolism, and CBDs interaction with traditional pharmaceutical drugs.

  • Cupping massage with CBDA

    CBDA and Massage


    Explain the difference between CBDA and CBD

    Understand the benefits of CBDA in massage

    List at least five massage techniques where CBDA can be utilized

  • Muscle TRX bands

    DOMS + CBDA Recovery

    The reader will be able to explain what DOMS is and common causes associated with athletic performance.

    The reader will be able to identify three key modalities to limit effects associated with DOMS.

    The reader will be able to understand the mechanism CBDA plays a in alleviating effects related to DOMS.

  • Kriva Trifold

    Download the Kriva Trifold to share with your friends.

  • baseball pitcher

    Holistic Recovery for Pitchers

    Understand the significant role of inflammation in pitching injuries and its impact on player performance and longevity.

    Explore the mechanisms through which cannabidiolic acid (CBDA) acts as a natural anti-inflammatory agent and its potential applications in pitcher rehabilitation and recovery.

    Evaluate the efficacy of CBDA supplementation as an adjunct to traditional injury management strategies, including its ability to alleviate discomfort, enhance physical therapy outcomes, and promote overall pitcher health and well-being.

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