Prepare, Perform, Recover

Athletic Recovery Fueled by CBDA

Fan Favorites

Lotion bottle, blue label, aluminum bottle

Everyday Wellness Lotion

Lightweight, soothing body lotion to help you prepare for everyday challenges.

Mint Oil Drop

Prepare and recover with our slightly sweetened, mint wellness drops.

Massage Oil

Relieve tension and tightness by massaging CBDA into the skin with our most powerful topical product available

Kriva Athletic Wellness Advisory Board

The primary function of Kriva's Advisory Board is to improve penetration of the Kriva brand within the athletic and wellness markets by providing informed opinions regarding opportunities and concerns relating to best serving said markets.

Explore Topicals

Topicals designed for your recovery needs.


League Stance

Understand where U.S. Sports Leagues stand on hemp based products.

Kriva Differences

Factors That Make Kriva the best products for athletic recovery and wellness.